Jordan Peterson’s 42 Rules in Life

Posting this because I saw some posts saying they took down Jordan Peterson’s original post in Quora. The post was originally an answer to the question: What are the most valuable things everyone should know? There’s also a website dedicated to it. Tell the truth.Do not do things that you hate.Act so that you can […]

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Using Polly with Lambda

Tried using Polly with Lambda and here’s the code: import json import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): # TODO implement polly_client = boto3.Session(region_name=’us-east-1′).client(‘polly’) # aws_access_key_id=, # aws_secret_access_key=, # region_name=’us-west-2′).client(‘polly’) response = polly_client.synthesize_speech(VoiceId=’Joanna’, OutputFormat=’mp3′, Text = ‘This is a sample text to be synthesized.’) file = open(‘/tmp/speech.mp3’, ‘wb’) file.write(response[‘AudioStream’].read()) file.close() s3 = boto3.client(‘s3’) with open(“/tmp/speech.mp3”, “rb”) as […]

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Happy New Year 2018!

Time to start posting again – it’s 2018! Been reading up on a few things so here’s a list: How Lightning Network works Demystifying Hashgraphs (it’s permissioned btw) Fundamental Challeges to Public Blockchains by Preethi Kasireddy Hugo Nguyen on Charlie Lee divesting his LTC Naval Ravikant on how the blockchain will replace existing networks with […]

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Back from Bali

I was wondering where everyone was going to go for their Holy Week and for some reason, most of my friends whom I polled just said they would stay home. It seems everyone was either trying to enjoy the Holy Week break in the Philippines where all traffic just disappears or everyone was reserving their […]

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It’s Angel Hack Manila #AngelHackMNL time!

Just in case you missed it – AngelHack is now in Manila! The EventBrite Page is here! Coverage InterAksyon Blogs

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